If you plan on taking a Freaky Flights Tour this Halloween, you need a spooky fun outfit that looks great and one that works well with zip line gear and harnesses. There are costumes that fit this description, and they won’t cost you an arm and a leg to purchase. Here is some inspiration for potential costumes for your zip line ride.
Michael Myers
It wouldn’t be Halloween if someone didn’t wear a Michael Myers costume complete with the iconic hockey mask and jumpsuit. This is a strong option because it also involves wearing a jumpsuit that won’t easily fly off while you’re riding through the air. You may want to take the hockey mask off while you’re riding, though, but that’s completely up to you. It’s quite a sight to see someone like Michael Myers flying down a zip line.
Of course, the classic witch costume is ideal for someone that is about to be flying through the air, which is why wearing this outfit makes a lot of sense. It’s important, though, to put together a costume that won’t reveal too much and will stay attached to your body. So, you may want to take off your witch hat before you start the ride and throw some thick, striped leggings on too. We’ll have a place to park your broom.
Clown Costume
Actually, don’t be a clown this year…
Star Trek
Whether you want to be Captain Kirk, Spock or another famous character from Star Trek, you can wear a star fleet uniform comfortably on a zip line. The men’s pants and shirt mesh well with a zip line harness. However, low cut dresses may be a little too revealing for women to wear during the tour. Women’s and girls’ costumes can be adjusted, though, to make them suitable for a ride in mid-air. Again — leggings are a great idea. They’ll keep you warm and you won’t have to worry about the wind.
Halloween costumes are meant to be fun, but if you’re going to take a Freaky Flights Tour, you might as well do it in spooky style that can still win the contest even after you finish on the zip line! You don’t want to finish the course missing vital pieces of your costume! Or, if you want, you can skip the costume and take our Freaky Flights Tour in your everyday style. Costumes are fun (and encouraged!), but totally optional.
Reserve a spot on the Freaky Flights Tour, and if you have any questions about zip lining, please contact us today.